Sunday 29 April 2018

Football Mania..

       Football Mania...

The life-breaths for football

 Heartbeats for football

Eyes wink for   football

Tatarata tattata.. football mania

O... O... football mania.

The warriors in the big ground

Adrenaline rains in their mind

It’s a fight to win the game..

Crowds cheer ups cheer ups

O... O... football mania.

Gallery sounds in Rhythmic claps

 And moves up with national flags

Whistling refries on a move

Follow the rules... Follow the rules

The coach with the powerful  words

Dare to win...Yea, Dare to win...

In halfway line team spots,

Yards to move with the ball,

 Dribble at high speed…

Break the defenders near nets

Tong tong hits on the post bar.

Spirit of game sparks with each shot.

The life-breaths for football

Heartbeats for football

 Eyes wink for football

O... O... football mania.

Rough is this wide ground

In rough, the opponents move

Stuck under the spike boots

Made cracks in the bones,

 Bleeding patches on the skin

Some lames with the ball

Go on go on, the ball is rolling.

It’s a game to win

O... O... football mania.

Zigzag zig zag, got a cross ball…

From the “D post” tackle it

The champ tosses like

 A white feather in air

 With the shining  ball

that circinate in the  legs,

Woo! The scissors cut …

 Shook the opponent's heart

All started spectacular jumps..

It’s a golden goal…

O... O... football mania.

Sweat and teardrops in triumphant joy

All started hazy crazy waving jerseys

 With cheer up bands and sounds

The Warriors won the game.

The life-breaths, the heart beats

And eyes wink around the football

O... O... football mania.

Opponents with tears and tears

Don’t be in despair

Captain consoles them

Never quit the game

Take it easy..take it easy

I.e.  The true sportsman spirit

O... O... football mania.

This world is the big ground.

Footballs moving around

Day and night in the dream lights

New warriors will come.

With the desire to win”

The life breath for football

 heart beats for football

Eyes winks  for football

Tatarata tattata.. football mania

O... O... football mania.

Thursday 26 April 2018

The lady with a rope...

The lady with a rope

The lady in a loop of a rope

In the dusk, she made that decision.

Two lives going to hang  

Her head in the loop

Darkness blinds the village

All are in deep asleep

Moving arms of the tree

Freezes to still even the wind whistles

Breathtaking moments

Rope as swag around the neck

The sob of despair in her face

She is a lady molested  

Her life of yore as a prey

Abuses gifted her fetus.

Of unknown paternity

Ruthless the social systems,

Scholars and leaders many

With fuddy-duddy thoughts

A verdict in the night

In her eerie feelings

Seeing her the birds in the dwell

 Became panic left the tree in cries

An ensemble of locust in the night stops

The night became darker and darker

Moon and stars hide in the clouds

Night owls screamingly ogle and

Wolves howl to announce traumas

The lady with rope in the loop

White flowers became gloomy

Hissing snakes hide in the holes

All dazed in her eerie feelings

The fetus of unknown paternity

Ruthless the social systems,

Scholars and leaders many

Always mistreated her

With fuddy-duddy thoughts

She is in the third trimester.

Sudden a lightning hits

In thunder, the fetus jerked in the womb

In her mind an impulse flashes

Hey! You are a mother

You are a lady with powers

 When you hang yourself

The chord in your womb

Make a loop with terrible writhe

The child will become still

In the loop of your chord

The little life too hangs.

Motherhood is your strength.

Hey! Lady with rope in the loop

Don’t lose hope...don’t lose hope

You must live and respond

Keep the loop ready in arm

To strangle the brutal culprit

Your voice must bang the systems

“Humanity still alive  in this world

The motherhood a miraculous love”.

Mothers LOVE...

    Mothers love..

Love is deep blue sea

It’s in your heart

My mother your prayer

Gives me care everywhere

You are here god is near.

 In my sorrow only hope u

When you pat me and kiss me

 Sings that lullaby songs

Worthy words as waves

Make me calm and cool.

You are here god is near.

Even in the medication

You are doing all the works.

In the colors of knowledge

You budded me the best

It’s your dazzling smile

 Keeps happiness in home

You are here god is near.

Even in Your dreams 

Given mighty wings for me to fly

From womb to this blissful world

Serving taste of love in lips

Awakens divine mind

Lifted me up, with love and care

You calls me dear son.

 Blessings of day by day.

You are here god is near.

The last resort is god

 I felt trust and reliability

In heaven i.e. my home

The halo reflects with

 My mother’s deep love

Love is deep blue sea

It’s in your heart.

                                                Vinodkumar v

Thursday 19 April 2018

A handful of rice and its greatness...

A handful of rice.

A handful of rice

 In the lunch box

I always kept it for them.

Cat, crow, Mynahs, and ants

You are in the backyards,

You are in the trees.

Watching my deeds

Lunch break bells.

A handful of rice

And its fragrance

 Keeps in mind, in whole life.

While eating the lunch

I enjoyed catering for,

 You cats, birds and ants.

A handful of rice.

From my lunch box.

I scattered is so whitish

Jasmine bud-like.

From the dried leaves.

The birds took it in their beaks

Flew away to nest

To feed the little ones,

That crying so loud.

Pregnant cat mews and

Mews loudly and licks

 Its whiskers and hands

Eating the each rice

Moves to sleep in the bush.

The little ants collected

All broken rice and

On a line, in slow motion.

Within the anthills happily

Stores in the granary.

“Cater for those who need”

A lot of creatures here

Without food and heed

The stomach burns…

In this modern world.

Thank you, mother

You wake in the dawn

With a heartfelt love..

Send me the Tiffin box.

And taught me..

“Cater for those who need”

A handful of rice.

Saturday 14 April 2018

Happy Vishu..

  The Bliss of Vishu.

Bloom bloom cassia..

The dawn in my native land

Splashes dew drops,

On the yellow golden petals..

Lights up the “Nilavilakku”

Spreads the glitters around

Slowly opens eyes,

Widely opens hearts,

With divine hymns that,

Brings human virtues

Brings an excel season.

Woo! Idyllic treasures of vishu

Spring smiles with you in the stalks

Of Cucumbers, Coconuts, Arecanuts

And sweet fruits with fragrance.

 Dances with beautiful birds.

Bloom bloom you cassia,

 Give me a handful of petals

With luster of eternal  love.

To all .The”Happy Vishu “

Saturday 7 April 2018

The lovers in trap

      Lovers in the trap

Hey, Look that two butterflies

From heaven, they arrive

 In the golden frame of dawn

they flying up and down

 Gaze as bright floating petals

They know above to all fences

The beauty of love will outshine

The charming love this world must see.

Landed in a beautiful garden..

 With a fragrance of blossoms

Sprinkled more colors and light

Woo! the bountiful flowers shine

In that, the lovely butterflies

Holding hands they move

Dances together, dreams together

 Sucks honey from petals

Share it with a hearty kiss.

The breeze gently moves with them

Zing up and down and go around

In the particular pretty garden

Singing birds there on offshoots

Praying squirrels in front of,

the sweet breakfast plum fruits.

Hey, Look fences and thorns are there

Don’t hit and hurt, They warn..

In the order of the colorful flowers

 Both flutter with freedom

Still, the wings became weary.

One will chase the other

 Hide and seek in the flowers.

The tricky predator spider

With venom of dogmas

Rudely built nets with glue

Between family of flowering plants

Where the flies made the nest

The angelic female butterfly

Trapped in the tangled net.

Eight-legged predator kills the prey fast

Oh god! Unknowingly male butterfly

Boozing the nectaries from the same

In the petals he found her blood stain

He felt the scent of her body

Dead or glory when it reached near

Scattered hairy appendages..

Lost sanity of the love in garden.

Damn! Unlucky one these lovers

The garden shed the blemished petals

Suddenly a gentle breeze  came from sky

Hit on the spider net in high-speed

Dashed the spider out and the nets..

Will make the way of lovely garden

In  favor of the future lovers to live.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Surgeons are ready..

  Surgeons are Ready..

Surgeons are always ready,

Pray for her long life…

Anesthesia providers the factories

soft Smoke exhaling vents in line.

Makes her unconscious for a long time

Around her, the nursing clouds are floating

With condensed tears stars are watching

A painful surgery in the solar system

Laparoscopic  or open  surgery

 Surgeons are so intelligent

Highly valued human species

with politics, religion, and professions

But all these are  masks

The greed highlighted with seasons

Beacon of warning  from  "the sun"

The life liquid in veins i.e. rivers

Sucked out through tubes that are out.

Surgeons are always ready,

Excavation on her soft body ..
Buried ammunition can explode..

On her broken stony bones ..

Viscera is with bleeding lava,

Many lining layers of life extinct(flora and fauna)

With modern tool and techniques.

Making tunnels from one pole to other.

Sutures’ they tied to some extent.

The Main surgeon announces

Success... her heart is beating

Development everywhere

She is breathing..She is breathing

 But need more oxygen cylinder

Hey grandchildren plant a sapling

In favor of the Great mother Earth..

Her heart is beating …In intensive care.

Yes, she is breathing..  In intensive care.


    മാമ്പൂവ് മാമ്പൂവ്  മണക്കുന്ന മകര മാസം  മനസോടിച്ചെല്ലുന്നു മാഞ്ചോട്ടിൽ  മാനത്തുനോക്കി ഇളം കാറ്റിൽ  ആടുന്നു മാകന്ദ പൂമകുടം. പൊൻവെയിലിലോ കണ...